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Planning and Process


guiding a process towards something new

"What we call the beginning is often the end. And to make an end is to make a beginning. The end is where we start from."  

Eliot, T. S., (1943) Four Quartets.

responding & repetition

"That is, everything in the room you are in is gathered together and comes to the pupil of the eye. The retina, and to the brain; or it may also come through the ear. So the observer is what gathers; it selects and gathers the relevant information and organizes it into some meaning and picture. And that is what is done by the assumptions in thought."  Bohm, D. (2004) On Dialogue. London and New York: Routledge Classics.

Time, space & material

"Once in the darkroom the venturesome mind and spirit should be set free – free to search and hopefully to discover."  Uelsmann, J. (1967) Florida Quarterly, Volume 1. Pennsylvania State University: Board of Student Publications.